Monday, March 7, 2016

Kyzer's Diary #2: I Love Ice Cream.

I have a lot of favorite things. Like my ball, my cow, my food bowl, my water dish, cheese, cuddling, ice cubes, my humans, car rides, my bed, running, bones, treats, water, squeaky toys, old dryer sheets, jumping, sticks, barking, and many, many more!
But there's one thing that stands out above everything else. Something my whole world stops for:

Ice Cream.

I remember the first time I had ice cream. It was a hot, summer day and my humans had taken me to the giant dog field/park thing (one of my favorite things) where I got to run around with other dogs and frolic in the muddy, stinky creek (another of my favorite things). When we got in the car, they kept throwing around the word "ice cream" but I didn't think much of it. Oh how naive I was!

They went through a drive-thru, ordered for the two of them (how rude they never order anything for me), and pulled forward. When the girl in the window saw me, she asked something such as if they wanted a "pup cup." Who knew that my guardian angel was living in that little window my whole life! Before I knew it, a dish filled with white-heaven floated my way. My life was changed forever.

Unfortunately I only get ice cream on rare occasions. BUT, I never lose hope. Every time my humans take me to a drive-thru I automatically think I'm getting ice cream. I attempt to leap through the window in order to 1) Get Ice Cream, or 2) Thank my guardian angel for forever changing my life. 

So if you are reading this, my guardian angel, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to see the pure good of ice cream and for making me one happy dog. 


Are you going to finish that?


  1. Too funny! Which restaurant was this? I can't believe they have pup cups available!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pongo is the same way when we take him out! He always thinks he needs some ice cream!
