Monday, March 14, 2016

A Message to the Owner with a Dog that Eats Everything

Hello and happy Monday!
Sorry for the late first post. This weekend was a busy one! But now, lucky for y’all, there will be TWO posts for your Monday, instead of just one. :)

(This is Kyzer’s excited face)

This post will be in honor of when cleaning the apartment this weekend, I had to throw away many of Kyzer’s completely pulverized toys. When you have a dog, if you’re like me you want to pick out the cutest, fluffiest stuffed toys for them. You want to get them a super-large tennis ball that’s bigger than their head. You come across the heavy-duty, super tough toys that you intend to buy, but then they end up being way too expensive so you instead grab the cheap, thin material toy right next to it. For some dogs, you can get away with buying almost any toy for them. But if you have a dog like Kyzer, it is crucial that you be more mindful when choosing toys. Because Kyzer. Eats. EVERYTHING. 

When he was a cute little ball of fur I bought him some stuffed animals. After a while he would make one of them tear, but I would either sew it up or throw it away and buy him a new one. Even through his adolescence I kept it up. This was until Kyzer decided to legitimately eat the stuffing out of his giant red bird (which made a really funny wobble sound) which messed up his digestive system so bad (to spare you the gross details, basically the stuffing was blocking his digestive track) we had to boil him chicken and rice for two weeks. That was a huge learning experience for me. From that day on, I will only buy Kyzer either stuffing-less toys, or rubber/plastic toys. Even if it’s the rubber/plastic toys, as soon as he starts to eat them I throw them away and make sure to not buy that particular toy again. 

Being in college, I know there’s not a whole lot of disposable income hanging around, and you just want to buy cheap toys that will last your dog a while so you don’t have to buy more. Because let me tell you, dog toys are pretty expensive. Of course there’s always the bin of $1 toys, but if you have a dog that eats everything, you need to resist the urge and try to splurge a little to get him higher quality toys that will last. I’m not saying you have to buy him the highest end, best quality toys out there, but it would end up being more cost effective to spend a little more to get him a “super tough” toy that will not only last him a while, but help prevent him to eat it so quickly.
Here’s a list of “tough dog toys” from As you’ll notice from the prices, you may even end up saving money by buying dog toys online!

Aside from being careful and making sure to get your dog the appropriate toys for their destruction level, be mindful if you have a dog that eats everything—even stuff that isn’t his. Wherever the dog roams, make sure to keep the area cleaned up, and the floor swept/vacuumed. Dogs like Kyzer will find any little thing to eat, and if you can prevent them from eating such things as best as you can, it’ll make things easier in the long run. Because let me tell you, having a dog with digestive issues is one of the grossest, yet worrisome things as a dog owner.
~Kathryn and Kyzer

P.S. I’m sorry for the heavy content with no pictures. I wish I had pictures of all Kyzer’s humorous “dead” toys but I’ve never taken any pictures of them. Instead, I’ll try to draw a mental image for you. He had a pig from Wal-Mart that lasted him most of the first year of his life, until he ripped just the face off the pig. His buffalo he’s had ever since we first got him has had so much “brain surgery” it looks pretty demented. He had a stuffing-less beaver that is so torn up its just brown fabric (and because he started to eat the fabric, it was thrown away). Like I said before, extra income is hard to come by and it’s discouraging constantly buying toys for a dog that’s just going to destroy them. That’s why I let him keep it until he legitimately starts eating it.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awful... Poor Kyzer... You'd think he'd be smart enough not to eat nasty stuffing! In the end I suppose they don't mind what the toys look like as long at they can sink their teeth into them!
