Monday, April 25, 2016

Do all dogs that love to bark, bark in their sleep?

With the last post being more on the serious side, thank goodness for the comic relief post of the week! 

Kyzer does a lot of funny things. Throughout the day he never ceases to amaze me on how goofy he can be. 

But even when he SLEEPS he can be entertaining! Throughout my life I have come across a fair share of funny videos of dogs sleeping, running in place and even twitching. The Yorkie I had growing up would sometimes twitch when he slept (or even Toot) but he never did anything too out of the ordinary. Kyzer, on the other hand, manages to BARK when he sleeps. It's obvious Kyzer is a very vocal dog, but I was not expecting for him to bark in his sleep. When he was a puppy, one night when he was sleeping, he all of a sudden he started making this weird bubbly noise. At first I was worried, but after turning on a light I realized that he was somehow managing to bark with his mouth shut. It sounded a lot like this:

Maybe I'm just a crazy dog lady, but I seriously think it's the cutest thing.

1 comment:

  1. Pongo does funny things like this when he's sleeping too! Sometimes it's barking or even moving like he's running or something. It cracks me up!
